Overview of Flex Filter (FFL) Settings

Flex Filter (FFL) 

This guide is designed to help you understand the different settings available for Flex Filter (FFL). By reading this document, you'll learn about the various options you have to manage and configure Flex Filter features effectively.

The Flex Filter plugin allows you to configure the following default settings:

  • Filter by Availability 
  • Filter by Active Tasks
  • Filter by Agent's Assigned Channels
  • Filter by Role 

Filter by Availability 

Allows users to filter agents by their availability status.

The primary function of Flex Filters is to provide users with the ability to filter agents based on their availability to accept tasks. If the agent has 

Filter by Active Tasks 

Allows users to filter agents with active tasks.

Flex Filters extends its capabilities to allow filtering agents by their active tasks. This helps supervisors and administrators quickly identify agents who are currently handling tasks, providing insights into the distribution of workload among the team members.

Filter by Agent's Assigned Channels

Allows users to filter agents based on the task channel assigned. (ie. Voice, SMS, etc.)

Users can also apply filters based on task channels. The task channels represent the different communication channels or modes through which tasks are being handled, such as voice calls, chat sessions, and more. This filtering option enables managers to focus on specific task channels to assess agent performance.

Filter by Role 

Allows users to filters by assigned Twilio Flex role.

Flex Filters further offers role-based filtering. Supervisors and administrators can filter agents based on their roles within the contact center, distinguishing between agents, supervisors, and administrators. This ensures that the monitoring view is customized to the user's specific managerial responsibilities.


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